
To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Here at the farm, a large “Tasting Room” is available to all visitors who wish to taste our productions of extra virgin olive oils and honeys together with their friends and families, in an atmosphere of celebration and joy.

Olive oil

The mild climate, the soil and the Salcini family tradition are the three ingredients that make this oil a product of exceptional quality.

70 hectares of land dedicated to innovative production methods. A drip irrigation system feeds a few thousand olive trees, each planted at a distance of at least 6 meters, to ensure a greater breath and quality of the fruit.

Olive oil

The olives are harvested manually from the tree with the help of labourers even before completion of the fruit ripening process. The result is an extra virgin olive oil with a fruity, light flavour and low acidity. Perfect to enhance any dish.

Oil Must

A specialty for those who want to discover the most authentic taste of the olive.

Our oil must comes from the first pressing of the olives and is not subjected to filtration. Here is the natural essence of extra virgin olive oil, with unaltered antioxidant properties.

Luxury Olive Oil Collection

Our products are born from experience, each becoming something unique. And they are unique even for those who choose them: our oil is also available in a special package, dedicated to those who want to make (or make themselves) an exclusive gift.


In 2015 the House of Bees was born. An area dedicated to about 70 beehives, colored with totally organic water colours to ensure the welfare and longevity of the bees we breed.

The honey produced is therefore totally natural, very sweet and highly rich in nutrients. Thanks to its properties, it’s a product suitable for everyone. It’s an indispensable ingredient for adults and children, for people who are perished or ill, and for those who carry out physical or mental activities.


Both the production and processing are carried out in completely natural ways through the cold extraction of honey, which does not affect its organoleptic characteristics.

Thanks to the favourable geographical position and the rich vegetation present in this area of Viterbo, a range of high quality honeys can be produced by following the seasonality of the different blooms. We strive to always pick the best flowers in order to obtain honeys with great scents and flavours.

Chili pepper

Un pizzico di fuoco che riscalda ogni piatto. È il nostro peperoncino calabrese Diavolicchio, unico per profumo e sapore.

Viene coltivato in campi soleggiati e ben irrigati, per favorire al massimo la produttività della sua pianta. I suoi frutti sono a forma di cornetto, lunghi circa 3 cm, di un bel rosso vivo a maturazione completa.

Può essere utilizzato come condimento piccante in cucina, per insaporire numerose pietanze, salse e piatti a base di riso, pasta, legumi o verdura. Naturalmente, dà il meglio di sé nelle ricette tipiche della sua regione di provenienza: ‘nduja, salsiccia, soppressata e spianata calabra.

Del resto, è proprio la Calabria la regione italiana in cui si consumano le maggiori quantità di peperoncino!


Not just a product for lovers of strong flavours: if used sparingly, chili peppers can also bring extraordinary health benefits.

Its antioxidant properties are uncommon, and not everyone knows that it is amongst the foods that contain the most vitamin C. A natural anti-inflammatory, chili pepper can even relieve rheumatic pains.

In addition, it acts as a vasodilator, facilitating blood circulation, improving digestion and cholesterol control.


Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is not just an aromatic herb to be used in the kitchen, but a real natural medicine. Dried oregano can be used all year round and it will continue to retain its aroma, which becomes increasingly strong after the desiccation.

It is rich in phenols, vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, calcium and manganese, which make it an effective natural remedy and supplement.


L’origano coltivato nelle nostre terreni, ha un profumo eccelso e un gusto inconfondibile, grazie all’ambiente pedoclimatico. Le escursioni termiche tra il giorno e la notte e i terreni, ben strutturati, fanno si che la carica di oli essenziali sia maggiore nei nostri essiccati.  

La voglia di usare sempre di più prodotti di origine naturale per la cura del corpo e il desiderio di dare un tocco di sapore in più ai cibi aggiungendo degli aromi sono tra i fattori principali che stanno determinando un rinnovato interesse verso queste piante.

Wish to purchase our products?

Drop us a line or come visit our farm. We’ll be happy to walk you through our little corner of paradise.

Azienda Agricola Salcini

Via Procoio, 6
01100 Castel D’Asso, Viterbo, VT, Italy

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